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Learning how to think

This is an excerpt from The Wind Is My Mother about learning how to think. Bear Heart speaks:

Native American children got a very well-rounded education from our elders. We didn’t just learn about hunting and legends.

One elder once sat down three of us boys who had just reached puberty and asked a theoretical question: “Suppose you were married and your wife and child were about to drown in the river. Which one would you save?”

One answered, “I’d save my wife.”

“Why?” He had to give a reason right there.

“The child is innocent and in its innocence it can go on. My wife and I could always have another child.”

Then the elder turned to another. “What about you? Which one would you save?”

“I’d save my child.”


“My wife and I would already have had our life together and the child needs a chance to live its life.”

“What about you?”

I answered, “I love my child in a very special way and in another special way I love my wife. We might all drown together but I’d try to save both.”

None of these answers was right or wrong. What this elder was doing was teaching us how to think, set priorities and give reasons why.

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