
Category Archives for "Qualities of Being"

How Love Can Change Our World

[quote]“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi[/quote]

Any life coach will tell you not to watch the news because it will just bring you down. Salesmen know not to watch it in the morning; it gets your day off to a bad start. So I don’t follow the news closely, although I do scan headlines to have a general idea of what’s going on in the world.

But in the past 24 hours some things came to my attention I couldn’t ignore. I watched Eve Ensler’s riveting talk on in which she spoke of the atrocities against women in warring third world countries. Then I saw George Clooney’s film, “Three Kings” which, under the guise of entertainment, made a powerful statement about atrocities against the people of Iraq by Saddam’s Royal Guard.

There’s so much more, but I don’t need to list it all; we all are aware of the inhumanity going on around the world. The question is: what’s to be done about it?

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How did my cats know that?

“Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way.” John Muir

We had a lot of thunderstorms in Michigan this year. A lot. It’s particularly memorable to me because each storm, as it gets close, necessitates unplugging all my computer equipment. [Losing a printer in a storm last year was all it took for me to learn that lesson!]

So the drill at my home during a storm is:

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What is success?

“Too often we define success as financial achievement. I view success as doing your very best at all costs.” — Bear Heart in The Wind Is My Mother

Here in the U.S., “success” is often attributed to the richest, thinnest, youngest and most famous. Is that backward? I think it is.

I recently came upon another meaningful definition of success. I invite you to ponder it. As a reader of this blog, I feel it’s certain to apply to you.

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Attitude of Gratitude. Huh??

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart.

Most of us know what an “attitude of gratitude” is. But do you know how it can change your life?

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Do you know the “Original Instructions?”

“The thing that is wrong in the world today is that people have forgotten their instructions.” Onondaga Chief Leon Shenandoa in “To Become a Human Being”

And what instructions might those be, you ask? Every indigenous person would know: the instructions passed down from the Creator, the elders, the ancestors, on how to live a life in harmony and balance with the world around them.

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