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Tag Archives for " health "

How’s your cup? How to learn to be optimistic

Can we learn to be optimistic?

I believe so, and researchers agree.

But it will take some undoing of early programming.

The average fourth grade child has heard the words “no, you can’t do that” over 70,000 times. So we have to work to overcome that negative imprint.


Not only are optimists happier than pessimists, research shows they are healthier, live longer and make more money.

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Sleep solutions: 25 tips for a good night’s sleep

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” Thomas Dekker

There may be no better way to improve health and energy, and reduce stress, than getting a good night’s sleep. But that seems to be more and more difficult to achieve in our 24/7 world. Prescription drugs and over the counter sleep aids are plentiful but may not be our healthiest choice.

Counting sheep has never worked for me, but here are 25 tips that will contribute to a good night’s sleep, without side effects:

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Ancient Wisdom for A Life in Balance

Ancient Wisdom is about sharing those ancient, universal teachings which can be applied to modern life to achieve more balance, health and spiritual inspiration. The world around us has changed dramatically over the past decades and centuries, but one thing has not changed: human nature. We still have the same longings, dreams and desires to […]

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