The Wind Is My Mother book trailer

The Wind Is my Mother

Bear Heart has a wisdom in his words that I use daily to further my spiritual growth. My copy of The Wind Is My Mother lives right there on my nightstand and gets referred to on a regular basis. I have bought about three dozen copies of this book to share with friends and family trying to get their spiritual lives in balance.”

The above is a review on Amazon.com from a reader of The Wind Is My Mother, which I had the privilege of co-authoring with my spiritual teacher, Bear Heart.

There are dozens more reviews like it, such as “Any time that I’m feeling depressed, I reread this book,” and “This book changed my life forever.”

 How The Wind Is My Mother came to be

I first met Bear Heart at a time when my life was in shambles, and just a short half hour meeting with him gave me hope and started to turn my life around.

After a few years of knowing him, I asked if I could write a book about his teachings.  I figured if a half hour conversation with him could make such a profound difference in my life, a book of his wisdom could surely help many others.

My request was quite audacious since I had never had anything published before! But, amazingly, he said, “yes.”

In light of things he has said to me over the years, I’ve since come to realize that he recognized that I was the one who was supposed to write the book.  It was that simple. Not that I was a great writer; just that it was meant to be.

I held an office job at the time, so I wrote the book over the course of five years, transcribing his talks, and visiting him in New Mexico to flesh out more background to his stories.

For me it was a labor of love and I never dreamed it would touch so many hearts worldwide.

The Wind Is My Mother has been in continuous print since 1996 and translated into a dozen languages around the world – making it officially a “best-seller.”

The reason is simple: Bear Heart was a very wise spiritual teacher, and a marvelous storyteller who could entertain as well as inspire.

Bear Heart passed away in 2008, but his wisdom lives on through The Wind Is My Mother. The book was updated in 2012 to include an Epilogue with additional stories of his life.

I am continually humbled to have been a part of something that has touched so many lives.

If you haven’t yet read it, I hope this new book trailer below will inspire you to do so.

For those of you who have read it, perhaps this 3-minute video will inspire you to want to read it again.



Molly Larkin

Molly Larkin is the co-author of the international best-seller "The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman”  and other books on health. She is passionate about helping people live life to their fullest potential through her classes, healing practice and blog at www.MollyLarkin.com

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