The Ultimate Guide to Positive Thinking: Top 50 Posts

positive thinkingDo you struggle with staying positive?

Are you someone who sees the glass as half empty?

Research shows that people who practice positive thinking are less likely to be unemployed and more likely to be physically healthier and live longer.

That should be some good incentive to try to think more positive.

Yes, it does take practice. But the good news is that anyone can learn to do it.

I used to be chronically sad and depressed. All the clothes in my closet were navy blue because I had the “blues” all the time.

Then one day a friend I hadn’t seen in a month asked me how I was and I started saying, “Well, I’ve been having a hard time lately…”

She replied, “You’re always having a hard time. That’s just the way you are.”

I was shocked.

Was that really how people saw me?

Was I that negative all the time?

It was a real wake-up call and I made a vow then and there to change. I started studying the power of language, thoughts and the outcomes we create for ourselves and gradually was able to turn myself into a more positive person.

Was it work?

Of course.

But like learning a new language, consistency is the key.

I’ve researched posts and YouTube videos on the art of positive thinking to empower readers in making the switch from negative to positive thinking. Perhaps not every hour of every day, but most of the time

Your life will be so much easier if you do! Good luck!

I’ve organized the posts [and videos] into nine different categories as follows:

  • What is positive thinking
  • How to think positive [Going from negative to positive]
  • Research on the benefits of positive thinking
  • What else is needed
  • Self-esteem
  • Relationships
  • Handling stress
  • Positive thinking and health
  • Positive thinking for children
  • Inspiration


what is positive thinking

TWEET THIS: Positive thinking relates to what makes people happy and fulfilled. @Kendra Cherry

It is NOT seeing the world through rose colored glasses. It’s about learning to approach life’s challenges with a positive outlook.

1. What is Positive Thinking – Kendra Cherry

2. What Is Positive Thinking –  Leading Personality



how to think positive
TWEET THIS: You’ve got to remember where you’re going if you want to get there.  @PeacefulChris

Thinking positive isn’t an attitude you’re born with; you can learn to do it, just like any other skill. And your life will be better for it. These posts include instructions on how to develop that skill.

3. 3 Ways to Stay Positive [Even When It Feels Like Everything’s Falling Apart] – by Chris Butler

4. How to Reprogram Your Mind for Positive Thinking – Brendon Burchard

5. 7 Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Powerful Life Changes – PowerofPositivity.com

6. 6 Steps to Becoming a Positive Person – Mo Seetubtim

7. 10 Tips to Overcome Negative Thoughts; Positive Thinking Made Easy – Michelle Uy

8. Positive Thinking: 7 Easy Ways to Improve a Bad Day – Geoffrey James

9. 10 Ways to Transition from A Negative to a Positive Thinker – Jordan

10. 21 Tips for Turning Negative Thinking Into Positive – Molly Larkin


how to think positive

TWEET THIS: Positive people live longer. @JonGordon11

The science on the benefits of positive thinking might be enough to persuade you to try.

11. The Science Behind Positive Thinking Your Way to Success – Oliver Joy

12. How the Power of Positive Thinking Won Scientific Credibility – Hans Villarica

13. Benefits of Positive Thinking – Kendra Cherry

14. 11 Benefits of Being Positive – Jon Gordon


positive thinkingTWEET THIS: “Want change more than anything else.”  @Denise Simone7

15. The Problem With Positive Thinking – Gabrielle Oettingen, N.Y.Times

16. Does Positive Thinking Really Make Our Lives Better? – George Dvorsky

17. The Case Against Positive Thinking – At Work – Angela Chen, Wall St. Journal

18. The Gift of Good Days – Wendy Watkins

19. Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work – Denise Simone

20. 10 Things to Stop Doing If You Want To Be Happy – Henri Juntilla

21. 5 Steps to Reset Your Mood for More Power – Rajesh Setty


positive thinking

TWEET THIS: Belief in yourself opens the doors of opportunity to your dreams and aspirations.  @positiveKristen

Building self-esteem is an important part of staying positive. Find tips in these posts.

22. 10 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem Right Now  – PowerofPositivity.com

23. 5 Ways to Make Yourself Believe in Yourself – Kristen Butler

24. My Path to Positive Thinking – Emily Roberts, MA, LPC


positive thinking

TWEET THIS: Making the commitment to change is a big deal.  @BartonGoldsmith
In order to have a relationship that is built on mutual respect and trust, positive thinking must be used to help people believe that successful relationships are in fact possible.

25. Improving Your Relationships with Positive Thinking –  socialmeems.com

26. 10 Ways to Perk Up Your Relationship – Darby Saxbe in Psychology Today

27. Can Simply Being Positive Improve Your Relationship? – TwoOfUs.org


positive thinking

TWEET THIS: Those who habitually practice positive thinking tend to experience more success.  @ElizabethScott.

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health.

28. Positive  Thinking; Stop Negative Self-Talk to Reduce Stress – Mayo Clinic Staff

29. How Does Positive Thinking Impact Your Stress Level? – Elizabeth Scott, M.S.

30. Stress Management: Identifying Negative Thinking – Mayo Clinic

31. Think Positive and Reduce Stress – Barb Veder


positive thinkingTWEET THIS: Seek joy, play often, and pursue adventure. Your brain will do the rest. @James_Clear

32. How Positive Thinking Builds Your Skills, Boosts Your Health – James Clear

33. 5  Ways to Think Yourself Well – Sara Cheshire

34. How Positive Thinking Can Improve Your Health – Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

35. Think Positively to Be Healthier – Deborah Dunham

36.  The Power of Positivity on Your Health – Helen Sanders



positive thinking

TWEET THIS: Each night, ask your children their success of the day.  @JonGordon11

Children need help thinking positive just as much as adults do.

37. 10 Activities to Help Young Children Develop A Positive Attitude – Chelsea Lee Smith

38. 10 Ways to Help Kids Think Positive –  PowerofPositivity.com

39. Positive Thinking for Kids – Jon Gordon

40. Teach children the Power of Positive Thinking – Mellisa Dormoy, CH


positive thinking

TWEET THIS: You have the ability to control what you’re thinking.  @Oprah

Here are some posts/videos I found just plain inspiring. I hope you will, too.

41. How to reprogram your mind for positive thinking [14:56] – Brendon Burchard

42. How to think positive, have a positive attitude, and be positive [5:27] – Ahalya Kumaran

43. The power of positive thinking [14:23] – Tony Robbins

44. Your words and thoughts have physical power [9:57] – Will Smith

45. Will Smith on the Power of Positive Thinking [5:57] – Will Smith

46. Positive thoughts [3:36] – Dr. Wayne Dyer

47. How to stay positive when you don’t feel like it [5:16] – Drew Canole

48. How to give and receive positive karma/Oprah’s Lifeclass [3:50] – Oprah Winfrey

49. How to move past negative thoughts [3:17] – Oprah Winfrey

50. Teaching Positive Thinking [Jessica’s Daily Affirmation] [oo:50] – Jessica

I hope you found some motivation and inspiration in this selection of top articles on how to think positively in life. The results are in your hands; all you have to do is try!

Did you find any ah-ha moments in these articles?  Please share in the comments below.


Molly Larkin

Molly Larkin is the co-author of the international best-seller "The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman”  and other books on health. She is passionate about helping people live life to their fullest potential through her classes, healing practice and blog at www.MollyLarkin.com

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