Why the Solar Eclipse is just what we need right now

solar eclipseThere have been a lot of articles recently about the upcoming solar eclipse.

For the scientific perspective, here’s a good article from NASA.

But I’d like to share a spiritual perspective, which is what many of us are looking for.

Why this? Why now? What does it mean?

“For indigenous cultures, a complete Solar Eclipse is the physical manifestation of the sacred union of the Divine Masculine (represented by the Sun) and the Divine Feminine (represented by the Moon). This will be a time of deep spiritual introspection and renewal. Falling, as it does, on a New Moon, this is a particularly auspicious time for healing, manifestation, and new beginnings.” O. John Kralovec, author, Pathways to the Divine; One Man’s Journey Through the Shamanic Realm of the Ancient Maya

The Lakota Story of the Sacred Pipe

“You may have heard of the “peace pipe.” Every time the white men and the Indians would get together to talk about treaties or peaceful relations, the Indian way was to smoke the pipe first, so the negotiations could be witnessed by the Great Spirit. The white man associated the pipe with the discussion of peace and they are the ones who called it the ‘peace pipe,’ but to Native people it has always been the ‘Sacred Pipe,’ an instrument for communication with the Creator.” Excerpted from The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman by Bear Heart and Molly Larkin

The Sacred Pipe, brought to the Lakota Sioux Nation by the White Buffalo Calf Woman, was a great gift to the Lakota Nation; like a portable altar, it offers a direct line of communication to the Creator. The great Lakota Holy Man Fools Crow described praying with the Sacred Pipe as having the same significance to Native people as if a Christian prayed holding Jesus Christ in their arms.

Many have heard the legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, but this part of the story is often left out:

The Sun and the Moon are husband and wife and had one daughter: the Morning Star. And it was the Morning Star who came down to earth as the White Buffalo Calf Woman and brought the Sacred Pipe to the Native people.

So the Sun and the Moon joining together in a solar eclipse can be a time of Creation.

The interesting thing is that neither the Sun nor the Moon are doing anything out of the ordinary this coming Monday. The sun stands its ground as usual, as the planets circle around him. And the Moon follows her irregular path around the earth, while regulating the waters of the earth at the same time.

Only on Monday, they cross paths, creating a spectacular event for us all to witness!

There’s a solar eclipse every 18 months, but it’s usually over water or unoccupied land so few humans get to see it. This time, much of the United States gets to see it, which is an extraordinary gift for those of us looking for upliftment during these troubled times in our country.

Here’s how to benefit from the solar eclipse

This solar eclipse August 21 also falls on the New Moon, which is a powerful time to focus on what you would like to manifest in the upcoming month. So we have a double opportunity for creation.

Peruvian Shaman, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, teaches that the eclipse opens a portal [doorway] to a profound connection with all of life. He says that for the 7 days before and after, it’s good to set our positive intentions for the future and clear out what no longer serves our hearts, and the world.

It’s also a period of perfect equilibrium when everything is still and quiet. Some say the universe is pausing to reflect, and it’s a good time for us to do the same.

Take time to look inward to find deeper understanding of our lives and life in general on the planet.

Wherever you are on Monday, and whatever your view of the sky, take a few moments to reflect on your life, the life of our planet and put forth a good thought about new direction.

To help you in that endeavor, on Monday evening, August 21 at 8 pm EST, I will be leading a new moon meditation teleconference to help with your manifestation for the upcoming month: Inner Vision Quest from the Heart of the Solar Eclipse.

Using the “Inner Vision Quest” format created by Muskogee Creek elder Bear Heart, this meditation will help us connect with spiritual powers, sacred beings, and personal guides to gain powerful insights to help us on our spiritual paths.

Monday, August 21st, 8 pm EST

Inner Vision Quest from the Heart of the Solar Eclipse

FREE.  Call 319-527-3182 at 8 pm EST to join the teleconference. [No rsvp necessary].

This is a precious opportunity. I hope you’ll join me on this call.

[If you can’t make the call at that time, the mp3 of Bear Heart conducting The Inner Vision Quest is available on my website.  The Inner Vision Quest is something you can meditate to over and over.]

Another resource: https://nightskypix.com/how-to-photograph-a-solar-eclipse


Molly Larkin

Molly Larkin is the co-author of the international best-seller "The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman”  and other books on health. She is passionate about helping people live life to their fullest potential through her classes, healing practice and blog at www.MollyLarkin.com

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